@article{324, author = "H.M. Balami and A.O. Yusuf and Madu Hamza", abstract = "The concept of Soft BCK/BCI-algebra and Soft BCK/BCI-subalgebra were introduced by Jun with some properties discussed. In this work, we extend the work of Jun by defining the basic algebraic operations such as restricted intersection, extended intersection, restricted union, Cartesian product, direct sum, OR-product on two Soft BCK/BCI-algebra and Soft BCK/BCI-subalgebra and family of Soft BCK/BCI-algebra and Soft BCK/BCI-subalgebra. We also present the algebraic properties of the operations and establish some basic results.", issn = "23942894", journal = "IJASM", keywords = "Soft Set;BCK BCI Algebra;Soft BCK BCI Algebra;BCK BCI Subalgebra", month = "May", number = "3", pages = "69-83", title = "{S}ome {R}esults on {S}oft {BCK}/{BCI}-{A}lgebras", volume = "6", year = "2019", }