@article{379, author = "Dewi Rahardja", abstract = "In this article, for the purpose of teaching and training a larger audience of non-technical practitioners or forecasters (in various fields of study, such as, business, management, finance, economics, etc.), we present a step-by-step procedure to implement a (semi-automatic) way of Time-Series (TS) forecasting computation via SAS Forecast Studio 14.1 (SAS-FS) drop-down menu. This article will be very beneficial for beginner users in the above aforementioned fields of study, to quickly-and-easily implement their forecasts needs via SAS-FS computing software (for reasonably-assured timeliness and accuracy), in this increasingly fast-paced third-millennium business/working environment.", issn = "23942894", journal = "IJASM", keywords = "Time Series;SAS;SAS Forecast Studio;SAS-FS;Forecasting;Computing", month = "July", number = "4", pages = "38-45", title = "{S}tatistical {C}omputing for {T}ime-{S}eries {F}orecasts via {SAS} {F}orecast {S}tudio", volume = "8", year = "2021", }